Koper - 2011-09-12 15:53:32

TNA No Surrender

1# Cotender Match to X - Division Championship
Jesse Sorensen beat Kid Kash - Pinfall
To become a first cotender!

BFG Series Match
Bully Ray beat James Storm - DQ
James próbował splun±ć piwem w twarz Ray'a, lecz ten się odsun±ł i piwo trafiło w oczy sędzi. Sędzia ogłosił DQ.

TNA Knockouts Championship
Winter beat Mickie James - Pinfall
To become a new champion!
Podczas walki Winter splunęła krwi± w twarz Mickie tak jak obiecała.

TNA Tag Teams Championship
Mexican America beat Brother Devon and The Pope - Pinfall

Matt Morgan beat Samoa Joe - Pinfall

BFG Series Match
Robert Roode beat Gunner - Submission

TNA X - Division Championship
Austin Aries beat Brian Kendrick - Pinfall
To be become a new champion!

BFG Series Final
Robert Roode beat Bully Ray - Pinfall
To become a new contender to World Heavyweight Championship and a winner of BFG Series!

TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Kurt Angle beat Sting & Mr.Anderson - Pinfall
To become a still champion!

¬ródło : Wrestlefans ^^

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